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第32 卷 第8 期 控 制 与 决 策 Vol.32 No.8 2017 年 8月 Control and Decision Aug. 2017 文章编号: 1001-0920(2017)08-1505-06 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2016.0796 基于语言型混合算子的模糊信息聚合方法 韦纯福 (河南理工大学数学与信息科学学院,河南焦作454003) 摘 要: 在多属性决策过程中经常会用到聚合算子, 有序加权平均聚合(OWA) 算子是最常用的聚合算子之一, 通 常用于聚合确切的数值. 然而, 现实世界部分信息的不确定性以及决策者对一些信息的模糊性, 使得部分信息不 能用确切的数值表示, 从而导致OWA 算子及其扩展算子向着多元化发展. 对此, 给出一种语言型混合有序加权平 均聚合(LHOWA) 算子, 同时研究该算子所应具备的一些基本性质, 并给出一种基于该算子的语言型信息聚合方 法, 用于多属性决策过程中模糊信息的聚合. 最后, 通过一个煤矿安全评价的算例对所提出方法的优越性进行了 验证. 关键词: 语言型;属性值;多属性决策;聚合算子;OWA 算子 中图分类号: TP273 文献标志码: A Aggregation method of fuzzy information based on linguistic hybrid operator WEI Chun-fu (School of Mathematics Information Science,He’nan Polytechnic University ,Jiaozuo 454003 ,China) Abstract: Aggregation operators are crucial to decision-makers when they make decisions. The ordered weighted aggregation(OWA) is the most common operator to aggregate the exact numerical values. However, the decision-makers may have vague knowledge about the decision information, so can’t estimate their decision information with exact numerical values, which causes some new families of OWA operators appeare. Inspired by OWA operator and the induced OWA operators, a linguistic hybrid ordered weighted aggregation(LHOWA) operator is proposed, and some desirable properties of the operator are studied. Based on the operator, a fuzzy information aggregation method is presented for multiple attribute decision making. Finally, the superiority of the proposed method is verified by an example of a coal mine safety evaluation. Keywords: li


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