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策划:<<学生双语报>> 制作:广东英语教学E-classroom课件创作中心 Period 1 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Introduction Reading Vocabulary Introduction-1 Speaking (5m) Do you know the places? Asia Oceania Europe Africa North America South America Antarctica Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Introduction-3.Finding (5m) Find out the places above in the map. Australia France Germany Iceland Norway Sweden the Netherlands the UK Japan the US Introduction-2. Filling (5m) complete the table with the words from Activity 1, Page 11 Continent Country North America Asia Europe Oceania the US Japan France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK Australia People have low _______. Most of them live in_______. income poverty 收入低 生活在贫困中 Many students have no money to go to school. They don’t have a good chance to receive ___________. education 接受教育 Many people suffer from_______. hunger 遭受饥饿;挨饿 Many people suffer from __________. Many of them can’t be cured. diseases/illnesses 遭受疾病 Introduction -4. Vocabulary(6m) Use the words in Activity 2, Page 11 to fill the blank. developed country Economy: People have higher______. Less people live in_______. ________: Most people are well educated. medical care: Many _______can be cured. food: Few people lives in_______. income poverty Education diseases hunger developing countries underdeveloped countries economy: People have low_______, most of them live in_______. education: Many people can not afford to go to school. medical care: Many _______can not be cured. food: There is not enough food. Many people suffer from_______. income poverty diseases hunger Reading and Vocabulary The Human Development Report Developing countries Developed countries Imbalance We should pay more attention Africa Most Asian countries Europe America Reading Vocabulary –3 .Comprehension(6m) Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Main idea Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 How the Human Deve


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