Proposals for a Cross-sector Competition Law May 2008 跨行业竞争.PPT

Proposals for a Cross-sector Competition Law May 2008 跨行业竞争.PPT

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Proposals for a Cross-sector Competition Law May 2008 跨行业竞争

Proposals for a Cross-sector Competition Law May 2008 跨行業競爭法建議 2008年5月 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau 商務及經濟發展局 Background 背景 Recommendations of the Competition Policy Review Committee (CPRC) in June 2006 競爭政策檢討委員會(檢討委員會)在2006年6月建議 A cross-sector competition law 跨行業競爭法 An independent Competition Commission 獨立的競爭事務委員會 Wide support for CPRC’s recommendations 社會廣泛支持檢討委員會的建議 Some stakeholder concerns about higher business costs and excessive litigation (especially from SMEs) 部分持分者(特別是中小企)對可能引致營商成本增加及過多訴訟表示關注 Competition Commission 競爭事務委員會 Independent from the Government 獨立於政府 Investigative and adjudicative powers 調查與審裁權力 Two-tier structure – executive overseen by an appointed board 兩層架構 - 由委任人士組成管理局,監督行政機構 Investigation Committee - formal separation between investigation and adjudication 調查小組 - 正式把調查與審裁分開 Competition Tribunal 競爭事務審裁處 Full review of Commission decisions 對委員會的裁決進行全面覆檢 Judicial members – judges or former judges appointed by the CE on the recommendation of CJ 司法成員 - 法官或前任法官,經終審法院首席法官推薦, 由行政長官任命 Non-judicial members – with expert knowledge of economics, commerce or competition law 非司法成員 - 具備經濟、商業或競爭法專業知識 Appeal of Tribunal decisions to Court of Appeal on points of law and penalty 可對審裁處的裁決,就法律觀點及所判懲罰向上訴法庭上訴 Conduct rules 行為規則 Rules apply to “undertakings” – entities that engage in economic activities 規則適用於「企業」- 從事經濟活動的實體 General prohibition on anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices 概括禁止反競爭協議及一致行動 General prohibition on abuse of substantial market power 概括禁止濫用強大市場力量 Merger rules 規管合併的規則 Government is open-minded 政府沒有既定立場 Three options 三個選擇 Light-handed approach like the one under the Telecommunications Ordinance 與電訊條例相似的較寬鬆做法 Light-handed approach, but delay commencement until after a review of the effect of the law 較寬鬆做法,但延遲至當局檢討法例的效果後才生效 Not to include merger provisions, and reconsider after a review of the effect of the law 不包括規管合併的條文,並在當局檢討法例的效果後再作考慮 Remedies 補救方法 Civil remedies 民事補救方法 Fines of up to 10 million c


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