13春学期《采矿学(下)》在线作业2(13 spring semester mining (next) online homework 2).doc

13春学期《采矿学(下)》在线作业2(13 spring semester mining (next) online homework 2).doc

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13春学期《采矿学(下)》在线作业2(13 spring semester mining (next) online homework 2) Northeastern university 14 spring 13 autumn east big 13 spring semester mining (next) online homework 2 Total score: 100 test time: -- Single topic selection Multiple choice True or false (a total of 10 questions, 30 points.) 1. The selection of open-pit mine perforation equipment mainly depends on the mining and mining scale requirements and the design of hole diameter. A. explosive sex B. can chisel sexual Drillability of C. D. Full mark: 3 2. Finally, the determination of the mining state is a very important work in the design and planning of open-pit mining, as well as technical decision making. A. Capital decision B. legal decision Plan decision D. economic decision Full mark: 3 3. Perforation job is the first line of the production process of strip mining of the deposit, the job content is to use a punch equipment create hole in plan the steps of the mining area, provide for subsequent blasting work. A. charge space B. space C. field D. convenience Full mark: 3 4. Mining is the act, process, or work of being mined from the earths crust and transported to a mineral processing site or place of use. A. iron ore B. available minerals C. gems D. coal Full mark: 3 5. Solid non-energy minerals can be classified into non-metallic minerals according to their characteristics. A. metal B. mineral C. Polymetallic minerals D. metallic minerals Full mark: 3 6. According to the shape of the layout of the layout, the development of wiring can be divided into and detour. A. Screw wiring B. Straight into type wiring C. fold back wiring Vertical wiring Full mark: 3 7. The effect of the conditions on the production capacity is reflected in the speed of the extension of the mining project and the advance speed of the steps. A. natural B. technology C. Mining technology D. mining Full mark: 3 8. Car transport no upload homework answer, first for you review, if you need to answer the specific look at my registere



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