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第 33 卷 第 2 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.33 No.2 2016 年 03 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Mar. 2016 文章编号:1673-3363-(2016)02-0311-071 巷道围岩预注浆防突水技术研究 曹胜根,程正刚,张云,姜海军,王琛 ( 中国矿业大学煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,矿业工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116) 摘要 在对焦作矿区和中马村矿井地质资料调查、整理的基础上分析了巷道突水水源及突水原 因;根据岩土有效应力原理建立了巷道突水区围岩本构模型,探讨了巷道围岩保持稳定而不发生 突水的基本思想是增加围岩有效应力,减小孔隙水压力。在此基础上对浆液的流变性、流动规律 及扩散方式进行深入分析研究;针对中马村矿井现场实际条件,对巷道围岩预注浆技术进行了方 案设计和注浆参数的确定;通过现场工程实践检验了巷道围岩预注浆设计方案的合理性,取得了 良好的堵水效果,满足了矿井安全生产的需要。 关键词 突水;预注浆;孔隙水压力;注浆参数 中图分类号 TD 74 文献标志码 A DOI 10.13545/ki.jmse.2016.02.019 Study on water inrush prevention technology by pre-grouting in surrounding rock of roadway CAO Shenggen,CHENG Zhenggang,ZHANG Yun ,JIANG Haijun ,WANG Chen (State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining,School of Mines, China University of Mining Technology,Xuzhou ,Jiangsu 221116 ,China) Abstract The geological data of Jiaozuo mining area and Zhongmacun colliery has been investigated and sorted out to analyze the sources and conduits of water bursting; the constitutive relation of sur- rounding rock in water inrush area has been raised according to rock and soil effective stress principle, besides the study has shown that the method of water inrush prevention is to increase the effective stress of surrounding rock and decrease the pore water pressure simultaneously. And the rheological property, flowing law and coverage pattern of grout has been analyzed and researched deeply; then in allusion to the actual conditions of Zhongmacun colliery, a technology of water inrush prevention by pre-grouting in surrounding rock of roadway has been designed and the grouting parameters have been determined.


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