Design and Selection Criteria of Check Valves(止回阀的设计和选择标准).pdf

Design and Selection Criteria of Check Valves(止回阀的设计和选择标准).pdf

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Design and Selection Criteria of Check Valves(止回阀的设计和选择标准)

 Design and Selection Criteria of Check Valves VAL-MATIC VALVE AND MANUFACTURING CORP. 905 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, ELMHURST, IL 60126 TEL. (630) 941-7600 FAX. (630) 941-8042 Copyright © 2011 Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corp. FOREWORD Design and Selection Criteria of Check Valves was written to assist design engineers in understanding basic valve principles and the functions of various types of check valves associated with pumping systems. It is not intended to provide all of the information necessary for selecting valves but rather to explain the engineering parameters associated with check valve selection and use. Successful pumping system design should consider the combined characteristics of the pump, check valve, air valve, control valve, and surge equipment. With this knowledge, the design engineer can better select check valves and understand some of the pitfalls common to valve selection. When selecting valves their flow characteristics are important, but other design issues such as head loss, reliability, and cost are equally important factors that should be considered in making the final valve selection. The test data presented offers valuable information for predicting valve performance. It is based on independent tests conducted at the Utah Water Research Laboratory and remains the property of Val-Matic Valve Mfg. Corp. Any use of this information in other public disclosures requires written permission from Val-Matic. Val-Matic offers no warranty or representation as to design information and methodologies in this paper. Use of this paper should be made under the direction of trained engineers exercising independent judgment regarding the suggested use of the


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