Dogfish Shark Dissection University of Miami(角鲨鲨鱼解剖迈阿密大学).pdf

Dogfish Shark Dissection University of Miami(角鲨鲨鱼解剖迈阿密大学).pdf

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Dogfish Shark Dissection University of Miami(角鲨鲨鱼解剖迈阿密大学)

Marine Conservation Science and Policy Learning Service Program The spiny dogfish, spurdog, mud shark, or piked dogfish, Squalus acanthias, is one of the best known of the dogfish which are members of the family Squalidae in the order Squaliformes. While these common names may apply to several species, Squalus acanthias is distinguished by having two spines (one anterior to each dorsal fin) and lacks an anal fin. It is found mostly in shallow waters and further offshore in most parts of the world, especially in temperate waters. Module 2: Ichthyology Section 5: Shark Dissection Sunshine State Standards SC.912.L.15.1, SC.912.L.15.6, SC. 912.L15.7, SC.912.L.15.13, SC.L.15.14, SC.912.17.2, SC.912.l.17.3, SC.912.L.17.7 Objectives  Understand the internal and external anatomy of a shark  Compare the different organs of a cartilaginous fish with a mammal. ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Vocabulary Uterus- functions in the egg development Pericardial Cavity- holds the heart and branching arteries; protection Testes- oval shaped; dorsal to the liver; produces the male gametes Ovaries- two cream colored organs, dorsal to the liver; function in the storage of eggs Heart- has two halves- atrium and ventricles; it is a specialized muscle Efferent brachial Arteries- Brings blood into the fins and back to the heart Atrium- smaller and functions in forcing blood into the ventricals Gill rakers- increases the surface area of the gills in order to take in more oxygen Ventricle- larger and function in contracting blood to the rest of the body Gill arches- made of cartilaginous arches th


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