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各类食品的营养价值 Nutritional value of foods Yan Zhao (Associate Prof.) Department of Nutrition Food Hygiene Harbin Medical University Outlines 食品营养价值的评定及意义 各类食品的营养价值 —— 谷类 —— 豆类及其制品 —— 蔬菜、水果 —— 畜禽鱼类 —— 奶及奶制品 —— 蛋类 食品营养价值的影响因素 Food is one of the main sources of nutrients in human.  食品是人类营养素的主要来源 According to the characteristics of food, it may be divided into several types: Animal food 动物性食品   meat, egg, milk, fish…… Plant food 植物性食品    cereal, legume, nut, fruit, vegetable…… Products 各类食品的制品 candy, oil, alcohol, can, cake…… Most of us know that we should eat healthier . We know that a high fat, high cholesterol diet is bad for our health. But we are a little uncertain about what, exactly, we need to change. For example, 1. What is high fat, high cholesterol diet? 2. What is high vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates diet? 3. How to get more food fiber? Nutritional value in food refers to whether or not the energy and nutrients that food contains meet human’s need. 食品营养价值是指某种食品所含营养素和能量满足人体营养需要的程度。 食品的营养价值是相对的 The food label is a reliable, accurate, user-friendly source of valuable nutrition information. The Nutrition Facts label lists calorie measurements, serving size, percent daily values, minerals and vitamins, nutrients, and fat percentage. Reading food labels will help you quickly identify whether or not the food product is a healthy choice. Nutritional value of various foods 各类食品的营养价值 Nutritional value of cereal 谷类的营养价值 谷类食品含有各种营养素,但其含量差别很大。 含量最多的是碳水化合物,营养价值较高; 蛋白质含量较少,生物利用率较低,营养价值较低; 脂肪质量较好但含量太低,营养价值相对较低; 含有膳食纤维和植酸,影响了矿物质的消化吸收和利用,其营养价值相对较低; 就B族维生素而言,谷类食品的营养价值较高,但易受烹调加工的影响。 谷类食品作为我国居民膳食结构中的主食,仍然是人体能量、蛋白质、矿物质和B族维生素的重要来源。 Beans, peas, and lentils are from a family of vegetables called legumes. They are an extremely important part of a healthy diet. Legumes are a major source of complex carbohydrate, fiber, protein, and minerals 蔬菜和水果富含人体所必需的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,含水分和酶类较多,含有一定量的碳水化合物,蛋白质、脂肪


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