低成本的13.56MHz 1000W 300V RF功率放大器.pdf

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低成本的13.56MHz 1000W 300V RF功率放大器

APT9502 By Kenneth W. Dierberger E T O N LOW COST 1000 WATT, 300 VOLT RF POWER AMPLIFIER FOR 13.56 MHz N O Presented at RF EXPO EAST 1995 I T A C I L P P A APT9502 Page 1 Low Cost 1000 Watt, 300 Volt RF Power Amplifier for 13.56MHz Kenneth Dierberger Lee B. Max Applications Engineering Manager Independent Consultant Advanced Power Technology Inc. 6284 Squiredell Dr. 405 SW Columbia St. San Jose, California 95129 USA Bend, Oregon 97702 USA Bobby McDonald UNI-WEST ENGINEERING 6329 Bethel Island Rd. Bethel Island, CA 94511 USA ABSTRACT This paper details the design, development , assembly and performance of a low cost, high-efficiency, 1000Watt, 13.56MHz RF power amplifier (PA) operated from a 300VDC supply, with an efficiency of 80%. The PA is built around a “symmetric Pair” of low cost RF power MOSFETs from Advanced Power Technology (APT). The transistors are from a new generation of high quality, commercial, HF/ VHF, silicon, 900V RF power MOSFETs in TO-247 packages. The paper addresses both the theoretical design and physical construction of the amplifier. The paper also contains a technical description of the RF power transistors. INTRODUCTION As a result of IEC555-2, all electronic


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