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電子傳送交易指示約定書 Electronic Transmission Instructions Agreement 致: 兆豐國際商業銀行胡志明市分行 To: Mega International Commercial Bank, Ho Chi Minh City Branch 立約定書人________________________________兆豐國際商業銀行胡志明市分行(以下簡稱銀行)電話傳真(FAX)或電子郵件(E-MAIL)(以下稱「電子傳送交易指示」)立約定書人同意遵守下列條款:he Undersigned, ________________________ hereby authorizes Mega International Commercial Bank, Ho Chi Minh City Branch (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) to execute the instructions given by the Undersigned via FAX or E-MAIL (hereinafter referred to as the “Electronic Transmission Instructions”) for all transactions related to the Credit Line(s) extended by the Bank to the Undersigned. In addition, the Undersigned hereby agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions: 1、授權電子傳送交易指示辦理:。 。 According to the Electronic Transmission Instruction received from the Undersigned, the Bank is authorized to execute the follows: □Drawdown of Credit Line(s). □Repayment of loan principal. □Payment of loan interest and fee. 2、立約定書人授權電子傳送交易指示辦理扣款交易之存款帳號:立約定書人於銀行所開立之第 號活期存款帳號立約定書人於銀行所開立之第 號活期存款帳號立約定書人於銀行所開立之第 號帳號立約定書人於銀行所開立之第 號資本金帳號 Authorized debit Account via Electronic Transmission Instruction shall be listed as follows: □ The Undersigned’s Current deposit account No. maintained with the Bank. □ The Undersigned’s Current deposit account No. maintained with the Bank. □ The Undersigned’s account No. maintained with the Bank. □ The Undersigned’s Capital deposit account No. maintained with the Bank. 3、立約定書人,如實質交易文件時,於立約定書人提供正本文件供驗後辦理。對涉及需要認證文件或立約定書人親自辦理之交易,銀行得排除電子傳送文件指示方式之適用。 . If supporting documents are required, the transaction(s) shall be upon verification of the


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