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两种不同方法测定糖化血红蛋白比较[摘要] 目的 比较硼酸亲和层析法(A法)与离子交换高效液相层析法(B法)在测定糖化血红蛋白中的差别,选择一种方便、快捷、准确、适合大批量及自动化的检测方法。 方法 A法、B法分别采用硼酸亲和层析法和离子交换高效液相层析法,对两种方法的精密度、变异系数、相关性、甘油三酯的干扰等予以评价。 结果 B法在SD、CV等方面的统计数据优于A法,而两种方法的相关系数r = 0.98,表明两种方法有高度的相关性,并且高甘油三酯对两种方法均无明显影响。 结论 A法人为影响因素大,但是无需特殊仪器,检测时间短,单独标本可随机检测,适合急诊、基层卫生机构的使用。而B法准确度及精密度高,可进行自动化控制,测量速度快。
[关键词] 糖化血红蛋白;硼酸亲和层析法;高效液相层析法
[中图分类号] R587.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)06-0116-02
The comparison of two different methods in measuring glycated hemoglobin
QIU Shengqiang
Department of laboratory,Huzhou Central Hospitl in Zhejiang Province ,Huzhou 313000, China
[Abstract] Objective To compare the differences of boric acid affinity chromatography (A method) and ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography method (B method) in the determination of glycated hemoglobin, to select a detection methods of convenient, fast, accurate and suitable for high-volume and automated. Methods Method A and method B were used boric acid affinity chromatography and ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography respectively. Evaluated the two methods about precision,coefficient of variation,correlation analysis and the interference of triglyceride etc. Results Method B was superior to method A in the the statistical data of SD, CV, etc , while the correlation coefficient of two methods was 0.98, indicating that the two methods were highly correlated, and high triglycerides was no significant effect to the two methods. Conclusion Method A is easily influenced by artificial factors, but no special equipment, testing time is short, single specimens can be random testing for the emergency and the use of primary health facilities. Method B is very good in accuracy and precision, can be automated control and with high speed.
[Key words] Glycosylated hemoglobin ; Boric acid affinity chromatography; High-performance liquid chromatography
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