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妊娠年龄对妊娠并发症及婴儿成长、智能发育影响初步探究[摘要] 目的 探讨妊娠年龄对妊娠并发症及后代的影响。 方法 800名孕妇随机分为:Ⅰ:20~25岁,Ⅱ:26~30岁,Ⅲ:31~35岁,Ⅳ:>35 岁,每组各200名。一方面回顾性分析年龄对并发症的影响;另一方面在婴儿出生后6、12、18、24、30个月进行智力发育指数(Mental development index, MDI)和精神运动发育指数(Psychomotor development index, PDI)评估。结果 Ⅰ,Ⅳ组并发症显著高于其他组(Ⅰ:χ2=199.46,P<0.05, Ⅳ:χ2=211.33,P<0.01)。Ⅳ组MDI,PDI在6、12、24个月时显著性低于其他组(MDI:F=2.37~3.57,q=4.37~5.01,P<0.05;PDI:F=2.76~3.00,q=4.73~6.27,P<0.05);Ⅳ组婴儿MDI<85者12 例,PDI<70 者6例,诊断为精神发育迟滞。结论 妊娠年龄大于35岁将显著提高并发症且对后代有不利影响。 [关键词] 妊娠年龄; 婴儿; 妊娠并发症; 智力发育指数; 精神运动发育指数 [中图分类号] R714.46 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)35-24-03 Effects of Pregnant Age on the Pregnancy Complications and Infant Growth and Mental Development YE Haiya Kangqiao Community Health Service Center,Hangzhou 310015, China [Abstract] Objective To explore the effects of pregnant age on the pregnancy complications and their infants. Methods All of 800 mothers were divided into four groups by the pregnant age:Ⅰ: 20-25 years old,Ⅱ: 26-30 years old,Ⅲ: 31-35 years old,Ⅳ:>35 years old,200 for each group. First,we had a retrospective analysis to explore the effect of pregnant age on the rate of Pregnancy complications;Second,the infants had Mental Development Index(MDI) and Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) test at 6,12,18,24 and 30month after birth. Results Ⅰ, Ⅳ group had an significant higher rate of Pregnancy complications than the other groups(Ⅰ:χ2=199.46,P<0.05;Ⅳ:χ2=211.33,P<0.01). The MDI and PDI of infants in group Ⅳ was significant lower as compared with the other groups at 6,12,24 month after birth(MDI:F=2.37-3.57,q=4.37-5.01,P<0.05. PDI:F=2.76-3.00,q=4.73-6.27,P<0.05).There were 12 infants whose MDI was lower than 85 in Group Ⅳ and 6 babes whose MPI was lower than 70,those babes were dignified as mental retardation. There was no significant difference between MDI and PDI among the infants of group Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Conclusion The age of pregnant mothers over 35 years old will significantly increase the incidence of complications and has adverse effect


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