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28 3 V ol. 28, No . 3 2004 6 JOURNAL OF FISHERIES OF CHINA June, 2004 : 1000- 0615( 2004) 03- 0347 - 05 ## 1 1 1 1 1 2 , , , , , , ( 1. , 118300 2. , 105) : : S931. 9 : A Transplant of Oncorhy nchus inDayang River of the Yellow Sea northern shore 1 1 1 1 1 2 WANG Hu-i fang , LI Z eng- yuan , TIAN-Jun , SUN- Li , TAN Xue- qun , HOLI Ji ( 1. Dongg ang Fisheries Institute of L iaoning Pr ovince, Donggang 118300, China; 2. Meika Trading Co . Ltd , Tokyo 105, Jap an Abstract: According to the salmon. s ( Oncorhynchus) biological character of return to its hatching river, adopt ing the method of tran splant and releasing, 9 839 000 eyed eggs of the salmon were introduced ( Oncorhynchus keta, O. gorbuscha, O. kisutch, O. masou) from Japan , total 8 409 000 juvenile f ish was hatched and cultivated f or 11 years running from 1985 to 1996. total 127 returning and mature salmons w ere collected from 1987 to 1995. It proved that the salmon could exist in the Yellow Sea area and return to its releasing river . Keywords:Oncorhynchus Dayang River the Yellow Sea transplant releasing return 1988 72@ 104 , 1989 , 62 @ 104 , , 70 , , , , , 4 , 80@ 10 t , 1% , 15% , , ,


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