3rd Poole Sea Scouts Wide Games(3日普尔海洋巡防队员广泛的游戏).pdf

3rd Poole Sea Scouts Wide Games(3日普尔海洋巡防队员广泛的游戏).pdf

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3rd Poole Sea Scouts Wide Games(3日普尔海洋巡防队员广泛的游戏)

3rd Poole Sea Scouts Wide Games 1) Bonnie prince Charlie 21) Jail break 2) Smugglers over the boarder 22) Game of life 3) Treasure Island 23) Monsters 4) Coastguards and Smugglers 24) The postman 5) Catch the scarf 25) Nigel’s navy 6) Mawgli’s card game 26) Pallet ball 7) Stalking 27) Robbery 8) Witch in the woods 28) Romans and Celts 9) Hunt the leader 29) The ark 10) Operation code buster 30) Cowboys and Indians 11) The bomb mission 31) Strike! 12) Attack the lamp 32) Emergency 13) Fox and hounds 33) Missing mascot 14) Smugglers 34) The pioneer spirit 15) Vampire 35) The Martians are coming 16) The black spot 36) Kidnap 17) The trip to Mars 37) Escape from the east 18) Runners 38) Prohibition 19) Capture the flag 39) At the eleventh hour 20) Double money 40) Search party 1 Bonnie prince Charlie A recruit or Tenderfoot acts as Prince Charlie. Thr ee or four of the best Scouts in the Troop act as his attendants. The remainder of the Troop represent the Army. (The number of boys detailed to act as the Princes companions depends upon the nature of the ground and upon their experience in Scouting as compared with the other Scouts in the Troop.) In the simpler


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