在比赛增多的形势下大周期训练理论的局限与完善 - 体育学刊.pdf

在比赛增多的形势下大周期训练理论的局限与完善 - 体育学刊.pdf

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在比赛增多的形势下大周期训练理论的局限与完善 - 体育学刊

第15卷第7期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.15 No.7 2008 年 7 月 Journal of Physical Education Jul.2008 ·竞赛与训练· 在比赛增多的形势下大周期训练理论的局限与完善 20 (兰州城市学院体育系,甘肃 兰州 730070 ) 摘 要: - - 关 键 词: 中图分类号:G808.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2008)07-0083-04 Limitation and perfection of the big cycle training theory under the situation of increased competitions FU Xiao (Department of Physical Education ,Lanzhou City University ,Lanzhou 730070,China ) Abstract: The author studied the limitation and perfection of the big cycle training theory under the situation of in- creased competitions, analyzed and discussed main sings of limitation of the big cycle training theory under the situation of increased competitions, contemplated ways of perfecting the big cycle training theory under the situa- tion of increased competitions, emphasized the followings: the summarization of experience in successful big cycle training under the situation of increased competitions should be valued and strengthened; attention should be paid to theoretical generalization of the practice of the big cycle training theory under the situation of increased competi- tions; the study of innovative development of the big cycle training theory should be strengthen; biological study of the big cycle training theory under the situation of increased compet


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