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2 6 1 Vol. 2 6 No. 1
2 005 1 A CT A PETROLEI SINICA Jan. 2 005
:( 2 00 5) 01000 80 5
1 2 3 1 3
雷振宇 卞德智 杜社宽 蔚远江 马辉树
( 1. 100083; 2. 100034;
3. 834000)
: 准噶尔盆地西北缘广泛发育二叠纪- 侏罗纪冲积扇水下扇扇三角洲等砾质粗碎屑 积研究结果表明, 其成因和分布与同
期的断裂活动有密切的关系, 从二叠纪侏罗纪, 构造活动逐渐减弱, 扇体规模逐渐变小在平面上, 构造活动的位移导致了扇体的
迁移, 反映出构造活动对扇体分布的控制总体来看, 百口泉夏子街地区构造活动性最强, 延续时间最长, 形成的扇体规模较大,
叠置程度高且迁移明显; 在车拐 克拉玛依地区, 活动性较弱, 形成的扇体规模小, 叠置程度差且迁移小油气聚集主要受到断裂
构造和扇体的控制由于断裂活动( 迁移) 规律的不同, 导致不同时期不同地区扇体的发育特征也不同, 从而造成了不同构造带
( 部位) 油气藏分布的差异
: 准噶尔盆地; 西北缘; 断裂活动; 扇体迁移; 油气分布
: T E1 11. 2 : A
Characteristics of fan forming and oi-l gas distribution
in west-north margin of Junggar Basin
1 2 3 1 3
LEI Zheng- yu BIAN De-zhi DU She-kuan WEI Yuan-jiang M A Hu-i shu
(1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exp loration and Develop ment, PetroChina, Beij ing 10 00 83, China;
2. China ational Oil and Gas Exp loration and Develop ment Corp oration, Beij ing 100 03 4, China;
3. X inj ang Oilf ield Comp any , K eramay 83 40 00, China)
Abstract: The Permian-Jurassi alluvia-l fan, subaqua-fan and delta-fan were w idely dist ributed in the w est- north margin of Junggar
Basin. Their genesis and distribution are relative to the ontemporaneous a tion of faults. T e toni movement in this area gradually
weakened from the Perm ian to the Jurassi period, and the dimensions of fan w as redu ed step by step. The movement of te toni a -
t ivit y resulted in transfer and superimposition of various fan. Sin e the te toni movement in Baikouquan-X iazijie area was strong and
extended for a long time, there develop