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瑞雷面波勘探的过去、现在和未来 - 地球科学与环境学报 - 长安大学
28 3 Vol .2 8 No .3
2 0 0 6 9 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Sept.2 0 0 6
李庆春, 邵广周, 刘金兰, 梁志强
( , 10054)
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[] P631.4 2 [] A [] 16 2-6561(2006)03-00 4-04
Past, Present and Future of Rayleigh Surface Wave Exploration
LI Qing-chun, S HAO Guang-zhou, LIU Jin-lan, LIANG Zhi-qiang
(S chool of Geo log i cal E ng ineer in g and S urv ey in g Eng ineeri ng , Changan Uni v ersi ty , X ian 10054, S haanx i, China)
Abstract:This paper reviews the history of Rayleigh wave prospecting, analyzes the progress and existed problems in
forward and inversion of dispersion curves.It is pointed out with emphases that the strategy should be changed from de-
surface waves to adopting them in oil and coal reflection prospecting.From Rayleigh data in the existing petroleum re-
flection recording, the shallow geological structure information and physical parameters can be extracted, which will con-
tribute to the static correction and the appraisal of near surface engineering geology.It is beneficial for reflection seismics
to change the disturbing w aves into the data sources for extracting parameters.The shallow structure information can be
determined via using surface waves as main data source.The technique will promote further development of the surface
wave exploration.
Key words:reflection seismics;rayleigh wave;dispersion curves;near surface parameters;development trend
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188 (Rayleigh) ,
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