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Anti-glare Electronic Ultra-thin Glass and Processing of Anti-glare Touch-Screen Glass Anti-glare glass (Glass AG), also known as low reflection glass. In order to provide viewers a better visual experience, the glass surface is chemically processed so that the surface reflectivity is decreased; this is all done by changing the micro particles’ structure, making uneven to obtain a clear and transparent anti-glare result finally. Diagram of Glass AG Ultra-thin Touch-Screen Glass Change the structure of the micro particles on the surface of glass by a special chemical process and make the surface rough to a certain grade so that the glass surface will obtain a sensitive touch-function, and give users a feeling of comfort and softness. Micro Particles’ Schematic Changes on Glass Surface Surface of common glass Surface of anti-glare touch-screen glass(SMA) We use sophisticated automatic etching machines based on proprietary patented technology. Because of its perfect combination of mechanical automation and chemical frosting, mass production and high quality are guaranteed. The overall process is rigorously tested to ensure the highest standard and stability of our products. We also offer products of varying roughness, glossiness and luminosity catering to each customer’s specific requirements. Our motto to clients is simple: “Quality above all; Sincere service at every step”. Contact: Mr. Li, 18964503799 E-mail: susan@ info@ Office Tel: 21 Fax: 021Office Address: A-6 Zhangjiang Overseas Science Park,563 rue Songtao, Pudong, Shanghai,Pudong Shanghai China Site Internet: Relevant E-glass productions and specific application fields are listed below: Chart for Anti-glare and Touch Screen glasses of different specifications Serial No. Thickness Roughness Glossiness Luminousness Application Fields TL01 0.55mm 1.0±0.2 20—25% ≥80% mobile phone panel TL02 0.70mm 1.0±0.2 20—25% ≥80% mobile phone panel TL03 1.1mm 1.0±0.2 2


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