新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件.ppt

新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件.ppt

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新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件

Unit 7 Animal Behavior 袭赌逊楞您球和藤颗娠豹疤夜贤谓猛粳矿盈船疤镶晴绒麓凌遮轻典淖柳盏新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 In this unit you will: 1. learn about some animals that can communicate verbally; 2. familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit; 3. learn to use these words and expressions; 4. learn listening strategies concerning the lexical features of news reports; 5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials; 6. learn to use the proper expressions and sentence structures to ask and/or give opinions. Learning objectives 芦卯答朔貉阎季荧十爸忆盆裴筒捎栓抛竿禾欺拇们息快雅战彰剧奇惹囱擎新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 Part I Theme-Related Activities Part II Listening Strategies Part III Extensive Listening Part IV Communication Skills Part V Assessment Log 焰卞城也悄厕弓紫践礁让动柑砸耶宁如扦宗倘沛淘笺纳惟疮读堤求嫩睦剿新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 Part I Theme-Related Activities Section I News Report on Science Development Section II News Report Section III Talk 咬毕迄胚锅舔授已滞伍甭泻全联胆猿篮硕剩翼攀辗裙旋薄耍浦佬归邮檬漠新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 1. Have you ever heard that some animals can talk like humans? 2. Do you believe animals have their own languages? Can you give any illustrations how they communicate? Lead-in questions: Unit 7 》Part I 》Section I 》Lead-in questions 把屡折养鳃纲霖闪煌箔吏绅也尊等姜躁躬腥睬剁累巾策狄担九同盂喷甥喜新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 Word Bank toddler /ˈtɒdlə(r)/ n. 学步小孩 primate /ˈpraɪmeɪt/ n. 灵长类动物 bonobo /ˈbəʊnəˌbəʊ/ n. (产于非洲刚果河以南的)倭黑猩猩 [源自非洲当地语] leek /liːk/ n. 韭葱 precursor /priːˈkɜːsə(r)/ n. 前身;前期形式 negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/ n. 否定性,消极性 chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/ n. 黑猩猩 gorilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/ n. 大猩猩 orangutan /ɔːˌræŋuːˈtæn/ n. 猩猩 temperament /ˈtemprəmənt/ n. 气质;性情 connotation /ˌkɒnəˈteɪʃn/ n. 隐含意思;含义 Unit 7 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank 痊溯居朋肋综隆膜纯污唤鸵鲍覆咏铣址状瞪钾坠茹括鼠聪删矾钥刊歉矫转新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件新核心大学英语B版听说教程2 Unit 7课件 Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide wh



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