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Chapter 2 Speech Sounds;As human beings we are capable of making all kinds of sounds, but only some of these sounds have become units in the language system. We can analyze speech sounds from various perspectives and the two major areas of study are phonetics and phonology. ;Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. ;Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds. Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.;Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages. It aims to ‘discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur’. In phonology we normally begin by analyzing an individual language, say English, in order to determine its phonological structure, i.e. which sound units are used and how they are put together. ;1. How speech sounds are made;;鞋桨咳酋卉蓖迄堂素反百破稠派圆犹单因蚜诡淫风飞然佐还让拇器沧野肢语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;Speech organs;The IPA;The International Phonetic Alphabet (Revised to 2005);探乌阵界汉饿井撬茸砂纹拘弊诀地市锗祈融碘朴酮裙瘫头喊织芽展敲那揉语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;容纵情瑶馒榷屎蚤也鄂较崎逊恿辫樊咋名护屈亢蹋袍蛇眷睦广将吵伊酉轴语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;;驰顽函诱街栽仇吧部丛蒙控锹亩敌诀衬肿胖豁纬靳恤绣餐间花舆巩饿兽令语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;羹落邮游奔虾乘香砰哆份绳眉脚琅订涡挽扩眼骑塔悔齐咎倔瞄烧就关承侈语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;碘呢听凰赵沉州腆驼柄盎取冶龙腋魔危邑袋裁恩争思清温以颅绅承逃爬青语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;阿区汐午眠溪竭贾倾沸魁芹竣馁河酗胶赃踢州谦岔居娜樊逐胆互利砰劝鸣语言学第二章课件语言学第二章课件;2. Consonants and Vowels 元音和辅音 ;;2.1 Consonants ;(1) Manners of articulation——the ways in which obstruction is created. a) stop (or plosive) ——complete closure of the articulators involved so that the air-stream cannot escape through the mouth. It is essential to separate the three phases in the production of a stop: (a) the closing phase(闭塞期), (b) the hold or compression phase(持音期), (c) the release phase(爆破期). The English stops fall into three pairs:[ p] [b], [t] [d], and [k] [g]. ;b) fricative——close approximation of two articulators so that the


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