ch11 出口备货单据课件.ppt

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ch11 出口备货单据课件

出口备货单据;一、商业发票 commercial invoice;1、受益人/出票人名称、地址:seller’s or exporter’s name and address ;4、发票号码与日期: invoice number and date ;5、信用证及贸易合同号码: L/C number and contract number ;8、唛头及件号: shipping marks and number 运输标志应当与实际货物一致;散装货表示为N/M。 ;10、货物数量、单价和金额: quantity、unit price and amount ;13、特定号码及证明文句: special number and declaration 进口许可证号码、外汇管理编号; 证明发票内容正确真实、证明货物产地等。;14、受益人/出票人签章:signature 出口商的名称及盖章必须与信用证规定的受益人名称一致; 如果信用证规定提交signed invoice,或者manually signed,必须由经办人手签。;二、海关发票 customs invoice ; 查核进口商品的价值和产地,以确定该商品是否可以进口,是否可以享受优惠税率; 查核货物在出口国市场的销售价格,以确定出口国是否属于低价倾销而征收反倾销税; 计算进口商应当缴纳的进口税款。 ;1、vendor(name and address): 卖方、发货人的名称与地址 ;4、consignee (name and address): 加拿大的最终收货人的名称与地址 ;6、country of transshipment: 转船国家,填写转船地的所在国; 不需要转船填写N/A。 ;9、conditions of sale and terms of payment (i.e. sale, consignment shipment, leased goods, etc.): 销售方式和支付条款 销售方式用价格术语表示; 支付条款将具体的支付方式表示出来。 ;11、No. of pkgs: 货物外包装的件数 ;13、quantity:数量,该批货物的具体数量。 ;18、if any of field 1 to 17 are included on an attached commercial invoice, check this box commercial invoice No.: 如果1到17栏所填内容已经填写在所附的商业发票中,查对各栏所显示的内容和信用证或其他单据是否完全相符,填上商业发票号码。 ;20、originator(name and address): 原产地负责人,出口公司的名称、地址及负责人名字。 ;23、if include in field 17 indicate amount: (i) Transportation charges, expense and insurance from the place of direct shipment to Canada $__________. (ii) Costs for construction, erection and assembly insured after importing into Canada $_________. (iii) Export packing $__________ .;24、if not include in field 17 indicate amount: (i) Transportation charges, expense and insurance from the place of direct shipment to Canada $________. (ii) Amounts for commissions other than buying commissions $_________. (iii) Export packing $_________.;25、check(if applicable): (i) Royalty payments or subsequent proceeds are paid or payable by the purchaser. (ii) The purchaser has supplied goods or service for use in the producti


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