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智能家居控制系统的设计毕业论文 目 录 前言 3 1 设计概述 4 1.1 设计创新点 4 1.2 论文概述 4 2 总体设计 4 2.1 整体设计方案 4 2.2 主控芯片选择 5 3 硬件系统设计 5 3.1 主控芯片ATmega16 5 3.2 功能设计 6 3.3 电源模块设计 9 3.4 显示模块 10 3.5 键盘模块 11 3.6 步进电机模块 11 3.7 电机驱动 12 4 软件设计 13 4.1 原理图绘制 13 4.2 程序编译环境 14 5 结论 16 参考文献 18 智能家居控制系统的设计 学生:吕倩(指导教师:解萍) (淮南师范学院电气信息工程学院) 摘 要:21世纪是一个信息化的社会,它与人们的生活的关系也日益紧密。信息化的社会不仅改变了人们的生活方式,也对传统住宅提出了挑战。人们对家居的要求早已不只是物理空间,更为追求的是一个安全,方便,舒适的居家环境。本文详细介绍了智能家居控制系统的设计,本设计采用Atmega16单片机作为主控芯片,各种传感器对周边环境进行数据采集,从而反馈给处理中心,进而对整个系统进行实时监控与控制。其中对各类传感器模块进行了详细的说明介绍。并通过软件程序的设计,设置了二种工作模式,既安防模式和自动控制模式。通过软硬件的设计与协调工作,从而保证整个系统的完美运行,达到智能控制的效果,给人们带来不一样的享受,且能增加住户的安全感,使人们能够全身心地投入到工作,从而提高生活质量。 关键词:Atmega16;智能家居;传感器;控制 Design of intelligent home furnishing control system Student: Lv Qian(Faculty Adviser:Xie Ping) (College of electrical and Information Engineering, Huainan Normal University) Abstract:Twenty-first Century is a society of information technology, its relationship with peoples life increasingly close.Society of information technology not only changed peoples way of life, but also a challenge to the traditional residential.People on the home furnishing already not just physical space requirements, more is the pursuit of a safe, convenient, comfortable home environment.This paper introduces the design of intelligent home furnishing control system, this design uses Atmega16 microcontroller as the main control chip, a variety of sensors to collect data on the surrounding environment, so as to give feedback to the processing center, then carries on the real-time monitoring and control of the whole system.The detailed description of various sensor module.And the design of software, set two kinds of working mode, not only security mode and automatic control mode.Through the design and coordination of software and hardware, so as to guarantee the perfect operation of the whole system, the intelligent control effect, bring people do not enjoy the same, and can increase the sense of security of households, enable people to devote themsel


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