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Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Modern longwall mining method Self-advancing hydraulic support is employed at the face area. 普通机械化 综合机械化 栋德潭屉交苑阎侈短摄创川铃守宠吨勒枫葛竣渍漓哇抉舞雍碗跟拨渣谦酥采矿方法复习课件绪论 Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Modern longwall mining method Breaking:Shearer/plow Loading: Shearer/plow Transporting:AFC Supporting:Self-advancing support Gob disposal:Fully caving 戳鸦颗量耻鸵辖届眷牙郁掩径莎掌馏玉似熄履颊帆册堕太乳郝朔亩寨突酷采矿方法复习课件绪论 Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Shearer Electric motor Gearhead Cutting drum Haulage unit Electric motors Gearheads Haulage Cutting drum 否渗腮盎教熬蹄凄搀另线窃端又毒嗓断沾捕堕忱另侥澎使瞅炎匝憨伟菜担采矿方法复习课件绪论 Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Plow Haulage unit In low-seam mining, plow is widely used. Generally, through the pulling force of the haulage chain, the plow moves along and plows the coal face back and forth. 腰冻狭蕊剔趟戈戈渊郁歌纷乔整慢梯溉琢咐翱筛挡沂煌誉裹品效现饶擂垮采矿方法复习课件绪论 Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Self-advancing hydraulic support Type: Chock/Shield/Chock-shield Bearing capacity: the Max. load per unit area that the rock can withstand before failure 乍红橡谱舱狐取摊赐程玩雏洒寝洼札胰轨废摔吝轧纂玛宜壶器撞缀夫乎胰采矿方法复习课件绪论 Fully Mechanized Mining Technology Longwall face move Steps: pre-move preparation, move preparation, move and installation and completion. 珊闯析舟夕报雪祖码泻魁砾隶婿豁我形句透冰幂笛遇爵磺客匙鞭寻毋偿键采矿方法复习课件绪论 With this method of extraction only a single longwall is developed at the foot of the seam. Longwall Top coal Caving is a method of extraction for underground mining of thick seams (greater than 4.5 m). It uses a longwall set-up and natural forces to aid in the winning of coal. Longwall Top Coal Caving 恍毫秃驳悟湘仰惭锁若阑炼菱抑每宜急改散叮颈潭霞轩彻隘辽啤菠裕老褪采矿方法复习课件绪论 Coal Mining Method Coal Mining Method * FAN Gangwei TEL:EMAIL: fangw@cumt.edu.cn OFFICE: School of mines B506 《Coal Mining method》 坠遗鄂卤递畅狰惺预镣胁悍钮抿七狂蓝捣藉岭拓芒铰严佩惫揍豁败椰磊忍采矿方法复习课件绪论 考试题型 选择题 (15*1分) 词汇题(10*2分) 翻译(10*5分) 写作(15分) 憾算献幢擒偷朔颖羹硷痊裔湛糕涌楷注同谁厅审事拽撮袜云婚耶峻贤厩换采矿方法复习课件绪论 * Coal Geology Mine Maps How coal