Oscar Wilde课件.ppt

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Oscar Wilde课件

;;Life;Introduction;;As a spokesman for aestheticism, he tried his hand at various literary activities: he published a book of poems, lectured in the United States of America and Canada on the new English Renaissance in Art, and then returned to London where he worked prolifically as a journalist. Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress, and glittering conversation, Wilde had become one of the most well-known personalities of his day. ;Sexuality;Date: probably 1892 ;Works;Main works;Dramas Vera(薇拉) Lady Windermere`s Fan(少奶奶的扇子) The Duchess of Padua帕都瓦公爵夫人 Salomé(莎乐美) A Woman of No Importance(无足轻重的女人)The Importance of Being Earnest(认真的重要性) An Ideal Husband(理想的丈夫) Essays The Soul of Man Under Socialism(社会主义下人的灵魂) Letters De Profundis(深渊书简 ) ;An Ideal Husband;Although the politician‘s transgression is not exposed, this plot line conveys the idea that there are very few people in the world who are wholly good and to pretend so is hypocritical. This is a message for Wilde’s contemporaries, a late-Victorian group obsessed with purity and goodness, but of course, as imperfect as the people of any other age. On the other hand, the play is supposed to be funny, as it is, thanks to the witty bantering of the characters, especially in moments when the play is not directly concerned with the social plot. ;The Picture of Dorian Gray;Introduction;Characters;The pictures of the three main Characters;Main Plot; Espousing a new hedonism, Lord Henry suggests the only things worth pursuing in life are beauty and fulfillment of the senses. Realizing that one day his beauty will fade, Dorian (whimsically) expresses a desire to sell his soul to ensure the portrait Basil has painted would age rather than himself. Dorians wish is fulfilled, plunging him into debauched acts. The portrait serves as a reminder of the effect each act has upon his soul, with each sin displayed as a disfigurement of his form, or through a sign of aging. ;Comment;Style;Aestheticism;Os


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