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分离工程 主讲教师:王雪 职称:讲师 * 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: 1. 推导中未作任何假设,因而是严格的。 Fenske eq. is rigorous, because there are no assumptions in the derivation. * 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: 2. About ?AB (1)方程的精度取决于相对挥发度数据的可靠性。 (2)?AB 的近似处理: 1)geometric mean of top-stage and bottom-stage values 3) 2)geometric mean of top-stage, feed-stage and bottom-stage 两点平均 三点平均 单点值 * 3. Another form of Fenske equation A more convenient form of Fenske equation is obtained by replacing the product of the molar-fraction ratios by the equivalent product of mole-distribution ratio in the form of component distillate and bottoms flow rates. 摩尔分率用摩尔数、体积或重量比来代替。 d/b : distribution ratio分配比; d: component flow rate (molar) in distillate; b: component flow rate (molar) in bottoms 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: * 4. Fenske方程既可用于二组分精馏,也可用于多组分精馏。 Fenske eq. can be used for calculating distillation of either binary or multicomponent mixtures. 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: * 5. Nm只与分离要求有关,而与进料组成无关。 The minimum number of equilibrium stages depends on the degree of separation of the two key components and their relative volatility, but is independent of feed-phase condition. 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: * 6. Fenske方程可以用来计算进料板位置、各段理论板数和组分分配。 Fenske equation can be used for calculating feed-stage location, number of equilibrium stages of rectifying section and stripping section, and component distributions. 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: feed-stage location:by replacing feed as the column top (or bottom) 把进料当作塔顶(或塔釜) * 7. 分离要求的给出形式: (1)规定关键组分在塔顶和塔釜的摩尔分数。 (2)规定关键组分在塔顶和塔釜的流出量。 (3-7) 几点说明 Supplements to Fenske eq.: (3-4) 主讲教师:王雪 全回流操作计算1 全回流操作计算2


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