成功软件项目10大关键 10 Keys To Successful Software Project课件.ppt

成功软件项目10大关键 10 Keys To Successful Software Project课件.ppt

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成功软件项目10大关键 10 Keys To Successful Software Project课件

10 Keys to Successful Software Projects An Executive Guide;The First Project: Example of Failure ;The First Project: Giga-Corp’s Graph-It Project*;Background;State of the Art vs. State of the Practice;What are the General Keys to Success?;What is Parnas Talking About?;Productivity Varies Significantly;Typical Project Outcomes;Most Common Sources of Cancellations and Overruns;Project Success;Planning;Key #1 Clear Vision;Clear Vision;Example:;Speed-Oriented Practices-- Better Best Case ...;…Worse Worst Case;Sometimes it’s Justified ...;… Sometimes it’s Not;Risk-Reduction is Sometimes a Better Alternative;Key #2 Stable, Complete, Written Requirements;Requirements;Techniques for Defining Stable Requirements;Key #3 Detailed User Interface Prototypes;User Interface Prototypes;Key #4 Effective Project Management;Project Management;Project Manager Responsibilities;Key #5 Accurate Estimates;Need for Accurate Estimates;Typical Estimation Accuracy and Improved Estimation;Improved Estimation;Effect of Estimation Accuracy;Accurate Estimation ;Execution;Key #6 Two-Phase Budgeting;0.67x;0.67x;Benefits;Key #7 A Focus on Quality;Defect Costs Increase the Longer Defects Stay in Process;;Why Focus on Quality?;Fixing Upstream Defects Upstream is High Leverage;Key #8 Technology Expertise;Technology Expertise;Key #9 Active Risk Management;Software is Risky Business;Role of Risk Management;Relationship to Business Risk Taking;Example of Managing Risks;Key #10 Remember, Software Is Created By Humans;Human Factors;The Second Project: Example of Success;The Second Project: ATAMS Project;Key Elements of ATAMS Success;The Point;Contact Information


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