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春运是一种文化现象冯骥才 Spring Transport Is A Cultural Phenomenon Translated by Meng Qingsheng and Liu Shicong 刘士聪 南开大学 如今,报知春节迫近的已经不再是腊八粥的香味,而是媒体上充满压力的热火朝天的春运了。 Today, the advent of Spring Festival is no longer heralded by the aroma of laba porridge①, but by the hustle and bustle of Spring transport, or “Spring travel” from the passengers point of view, that gets thickly covered in the media. ①laba porridge: a rice porridge with nuts and dried fruits, served on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. 每入腊月,春运有如飓风来临,很快就势头变猛,愈演愈烈; When the year enters its twelfth lunar month, “Spring transport” gets under way like a hurricane, gathering momentum each day. 及至腊月底那几天,春运可谓排山倒海,不可阻遏。 Toward the end of the month, it sweeps all over the country with an overwhelming force. 每每此时我都会想,世界上哪个国家有这种一年一度上亿人风风火火赶着回家过年的景象? When this happens, I cannot help wondering if there is such a thing in any other country that, once a year, millions upon millions of people rush home for their New Year. 我们一直把春运当做一种客运交通的非常时期,并认为这是中国社会发展到现阶段千千万万农民进城打工带来的特殊的交通狂潮。 We look at “Spring transport” as a special period of passenger transport, and think of it as a crazy traffic torrent resulting from the movement of hundreds of thousands of rural people into the cities for employment, a phenomenon of China, characteristic of its development at current stage. 春运的任务只是想方设法完成这种举世罕见的客运重负。 The object of “Spring transport” is, by resorting to all kinds of resources available, to fulfill the unparalleled heavy task of taking the passengers to their destinations. 可是,如果换一双文化的眼睛,就会发现,春运真正所做的是把千千万万在外工作的人千里迢迢送回他们各自的家乡,去完成中国人数千年来的人间梦想:团圆。 However, if we perceive it as a cultural phenomenon, we will see that what “Spring transport” does is to take the people working elsewhere back home for family reunion, a highly cherished dream of the Chinese people over history. 前些年在火车站碰到一个情景使我至今难忘。 I still remember an incident I witnessed at a railway station a few years ago. 大约是腊月二十九吧,一个又矮又瘦的中年男子赶火车回家。 It was probably the day b
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