施工总平面布置(General layout of construction).doc

施工总平面布置(General layout of construction).doc

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施工总平面布置(General layout of construction)

施工总平面布置(General layout of construction) General layout of construction I. the function of the general construction plan The general plan of the building is the general layout of the construction site of the proposed project. According to the construction plan and schedule requirements, the construction site of the road traffic, material warehouse, affiliated enterprises, temporary housing, temporary water pipeline make the layout reasonable, so as to correctly handle the relationship between the space required during the whole construction site facilities and buildings, the construction of the quasi permanent. The rendering ratio is typically l:1000 or 1:2000. Two, the contents of the general construction plan The main contents of the general construction plan are as follows: 1, the original topography and contour lines, all existing ground, underground buildings, structures, railways, roads and pipelines; 2 all proposed permanent structures, structures, roads and pipelines; 3. All temporary facilities for construction (see Chapter sixth); 4, permanent and semi permanent coordinate positions, soil sampling and soil dumping location. Three, construction general plan design steps are as follows (I) introduction of off-site traffic 1, when a large number of goods transported by the railway site, should first solve the railway where to introduce and how to layout problems. When there is no permanent railway special line in the yard, it can be built in advance so as to serve the construction of the project. But because of the introduction of the railway will seriously affect the transportation and safety, so the railway construction site, introduced should be close to one side or both sides of the site; only when the large site is divided into several independent area construction, railway can lead the central site, at this time, the railway should be located in each area of the side. 2, when a large amount of material from the water into the scene, should make full use


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