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浅谈区域环境的影响 - 绿色环保 论文摘要:实行对外开放政策以来,我国在沿海省市开辟了一系列新经济开发区。这些经济区一般都有各自的经济发展规划,有的制定了区域环境规划,因此,应该开展相应的区域环境影响评价。 Abstract: since the adopted a policy of opening to the outside world, our country started a series of new economic development zone in coastal provinces and cities. These economic zones generally has its own economic development planning, some established regional environmental planning, therefore, the corresponding regional environmental impact assessment should be carried out.   论文关键词:区域环境评价;新经济开发;REIA;污染物预防 Key words: regional environmental assessment; The new economic development; REIA; Pollution prevention        一、区域环境评价的概念 First, the concept of regional environmental assessment   从1979年中国实施建设项目环境影响评价制度至今,其相关制度在保护自然环境、防治污染、协调开发建设和环境保护方面就一直发挥着重要的作用。经济建设的迅猛发展,带动了众多区域性开发建设项目的发展,例如经济开发区、高新技术产业开发区、旅游度假区及边贸开发区等,使多个建设项目在相同地区,相近时间陆续开展。届时,如果对各建设项目进行逐个环境影响评价(EIA),就不能准确预测最终的环境变化,不能显示区域开发的总体环境影响,进而导致无法采取合理的环境保护对策,使环境质量目标的实现落空。故而,应当将这类开发建设项目看作一个整体,综合考虑全部区域开发的建设行为,开展区域开发环境影响评价,即区域环境影响评价(REIA)。从理论上说,REIA可归入战略性环境影响评价(SEIA或SEA)的范畴。 From China in 1979 since the implementation of the construction project environmental impact assessment system, the related system in protecting the natural environment, prevent and control pollution, to coordinate development and environmental protection has been playing an important role. The rapid development of economic construction, promote the development of the regional development and construction projects, such as economic development zone, hi-tech industry development zone and tourist resort and the border trade development zone, etc., make many construction projects in the same area, close to the launch time. Then, if individually for each construction project to the environmental impact assessment (EIA), will not be able to accurately predict the ultimate environmental change, can’t display area development’s overall environmental impact, leading to not take reasonable environmental protection countermeasure, failed to achieve the goal


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