2010年考研必备考场注意事项(2010 entrance examination required examination notes).doc

2010年考研必备考场注意事项(2010 entrance examination required examination notes).doc

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2010年考研必备考场注意事项(2010 entrance examination required examination notes)

2010年考研必备考场注意事项(2010 entrance examination required examination notes) Note: 2010 Kaoyan essential examination Enter the examination room arrangement. Firstly, no matter whether everybody in the school exam, before the exam, according to the prescribed time to 10 minutes or 15 minutes to reach the school where the examination in the examination room, then the door by the invigilator for exam grades, the candidates according to the admission ticket third last four (for room number should be like this finally, the two is the examinee seat number, 5 to 3 should be the last exam number). Then in accordance with the provisions of the time to enter the examination room. [note] 1. as in a quarter of an hour at the examination room, to remind those who do neither fast nor slow candidates, do not drag, the key time, not because of the trouble before the exam. We review so difficult to have survived, do not care about this more than 20 minutes. 2. for some in the big city, such as Beijing, Shanghai test center, the examination room if you are far away from the place, leaving early or suggestions, in the examination room near the hotel to live, so that the second day in the morning to the examination room. But for this type of hotel in the vicinity of the examination room of the candidates must be booked in advance, is expected to book the room 5-7 days in advance, otherwise it is difficult to find a suitable room, after all, many candidates, people who have this idea is not in the minority. The room is quiet and suggestions in order to ensure the satisfaction of the conditions, to create a good sleep condition, recommended two days before arrival, to the hotel accommodation, if accidentally quiet, affect sleep, then rushed for the room or hotel. If in the exam this two days rest is not good, it is bad for the exam. Eat the loss when I was in the judicial examination, no reservation in advance, before the exam is a genius looking for temporary, so many conditions better hotels


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