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Chinese Holidays Festivals 山东省潍坊第七中学 刘永科 英语新课标必修3,Unit 1 Festivals Around the World,主要介绍世界各国的节日和庆典,但对我们中华民族的节日介绍的不多。我想,非常有必要向学生补充一下我们中国自己的节日,尤其是用简易流畅的英语介绍,让他们有一个较为全面的了解。以便在日后向外国友人或在其他场合运用英语把中国的节日进行介绍。因此,我把本文“Chinese Holidays Festivals”,汇集整理如下,供大家参考。文章共分三部分: 1.【中国官方的节日】 2.【中国传统节日】 3.【中国庆祝的西方节日】 Part One: Official Chinese Holidays New Years Day (January 1) Not as much celebrated as it is in other parts of the world because it is overshadowed by the upcoming Chinese New Year (Lunar Festival) somewhere a month away. However, employees will enjoy a paid day-off. And there will be parties everywhere, in parks, dancing halls and universities where students will leave for the winter vacation and wont be able to celebrate the Chinese New Year on campus. International Womens Day (March 8) Interestingly, women employees will get a whole or a half paid day-off on the day while the men are at the mercy of their employers. Tree-Planting Day (Arbor Day) (April 1) Highly promoted since the late 70s by the reformist government and yet to become established. It marks the begriming of a greening campaign all over the country during the month each year. There is no paid leave on this day. International Labor Day (May 1) No less celebrated than the New Years Day. Prompted by economic development and commercialization, employees are granted five days paid leave so that they can tour the country and do their shopping. Parades and organized parties on this day have become history. Youth Day (May 4) A day in memory of the first mass student movement in 1919—a movement touched off by the then Chinese government that gave in to the Japanese governments attempt to colonize Shandong Province. It is also an anti-Confucius movement as well as one that promoted the western scientific and democratic ideas. Today, youth rallies are rare, but parties and picnic outings are gaining popularity. Childrens Day (June 1) It is the most memorable day of Chinese children. Access to almost all entertainmen


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