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职业发展的三个关键因素 男怕……,女怕…… 领导、上司、前辈 用正确的方法去做事 职业选择 我们应该首先了解自己: 个人的兴趣和理想 支撑你克服困难,勇往直前的内在因素 个人的特质(技能、性格) 成功主要不在于弥补短处,而在于发挥长处 个人事业发展需要的条件 知识的积累 经历、经验 人脉关系 “好”工作的要素 传统的看法: 钱多事少离家近 …… 位高权重责任轻 睡觉睡到自然醒 数钱数到手抽筋 “好”工作的要素_我的意见 机会 学习机会(知识、技能) 锻炼机会(才干) 交流机会(朋友、人脉) 发挥空间 好老板 Pay me well….. 好上司引你上路 成功者的经验 人品 愿意提携新人 知人善任 更容易成功的秘诀 消除“抱怨”,适应环境 注重结果 态度决定一切 三字要诀:勤、谦、厚 勤 勤快:先留个好印象 “为之,难者亦易矣” 不怕做小事 天道酬勤 谦 谦虚好学:万事皆学问 谦逊有礼 谦和为人:脾气越小越好 真诚地欣赏别人 厚 “做人要厚道” “谁比谁傻呀?” 脸皮要厚一点 别太拿自己当回事 “面子”有时候一钱不值 厚积薄发 成功的经验,指引成功的人生 学习成功人士的成功经验 “精明、厚道、听话、出活” 做事要精明,才有声誉 做人要厚道,才有朋友 因为听话,所以得宠 因为出活,所以服众 自信和勤奋让我们站在网络技术的颠峰 Thanks 预祝大家拥有灿烂的明天! QA * Networking and the Internet have become two of the most influential forces on our lives today—they continue to change the way we work, live, play, and learn. Overall, Cisco believes that the network can have a tremendously positive effect on your business. Almost all business processes can be made more productive by using networking and Internet technologies. The Internet offers many new ways to interact with customers, provide them with the information they need, and improve their satisfaction. And perhaps most important, it provides exciting new capabilities that can provide a competitive advantage for your organization and help you succeed in the marketplace. Networking and the Internet are affecting our lives outside of work, as well. Education is improved and the world’s information is now available to any student, anywhere, anytime. We use networks and the Internet to communicate with our relatives, plan our vacations. In less than 10 years, the entire world has been connected—making it effortless and inexpensive to instantaneously communicate around the globe. We now have the world and its information at our fingertips—creating new opportunities for businesses, governments, educational institutions, and individuals. * Cisco网络技术学院CCNA ??? 经Cisco公司授权,成立Cisco(思科)网络技术学院(Cisco Network Academy,简称CNA),并向我院提供了先进的教材,进行了教师培训,所有上课教师都是Cisco公司授权教师。课程分为四个学期内容,涵盖了网络互联的知识,学完四个学期内


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