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26 4     V ol. 26 No. 4 20024               Pow er Sy tem Tech nology               Apr. 2002   : 1000-3673 ( 2002) 04-0030-04 Web 杨 光, 王慧芳 (浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江省杭州市 310027) A Web TECHNIQUE BASED PROTECTIVE RELAYING SETTING CALCULATION AND IN FORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR POWER PLANT , - Y ANG Guang W AN G Hui fang ( Zhejiang Univer ity, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province, China) ABSTRACT: Alo ng with the prevalent applicatio n of Inter- 、、、、 net /Intranet technique the W eb br ow er i becoming a pr e- 、。 do minant u er interface and it i required that in the dev elop- , ment of M anag ement Informatio n Sy tem for pow er plant 。 Internet variou kind of informatio n hould be made open. In thi pa- 。, per a W eb technique ba ed protective r elaying etting calcula- 。。 tion and manag ement informatio n y tem facing the protec- : ; ; tion w orker in pow er plant regarding the above mentioned r e- quirement i pre ented, in which mo t functio n needed by : T M77; TM 769   : C protection w orker in pow er plant including the protectiv e r e- laying co nfiguratio n information, the etting up of graphic 1  topology , the etting of protective r elay , the di po itio n of et ting li t, th e information manag em ent of the worker net- 。 work br ow ing and ret riev ing are implemented. In thi y - tem the netw ork module can not only provide the configura- ,, tion information of protectiv e dev ice and corr e po nding et- ,。 ting informatio n, but al o the record of informatio n manag e- Internet /Intranet ,


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