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深圳湾及邻近水域的分布来源生物利用率 张军晓李绪录*许春玲林梵史华明 国家海洋局南海调查技术中心,广东 广州 510300 摘要:为利月的水质监测资料,分析了深圳湾及珠江口东南沿岸水体中的时空分布特征,并结合盐度、ρBOD5)、ρ(POM)(POM为颗粒有机物)实测数据,应用二元混合质量平衡模式和回归分析法,定量确定了DOP的来源和生物利用率。结果表明,研究期间深圳湾水体中ρ为0.073±0.077)mg/L,丰水期低枯水期呈上升趋势,呈下降趋势珠江口东南沿岸水体中ρ为0.022±0.013)mg/L,夏冬季较高,春秋季较低,其年际变动略呈下降趋势。深圳湾和珠江口东南沿岸水体中DOP均呈现为保守,具有同源性。二元混合质量平衡模式估算结果,深圳湾DOP主要来自陆源,而珠江口东南沿岸DOP主要来自海源。依实测数据和回归分析结果估算的深圳湾和珠江口东南沿岸水体中DOP生物利用率分别约为14.5%和15.5%,与珠江口下段高盐水体中的实测溶解有机碳生物利用率相近。研究显示排放 关键词:DOP;时空分布;来源;生物利用率;沿岸水;深圳湾;珠江口X 文章编号:1001-6929(2014)00-00-00 文献标志码:A DOI:10.13198/j.issn.1001-6929.2000.00.00 Distributions, sources and bioavailability of dissolved organic phosphorus in the Shenzhen Bay and adjacent coastal waters ZHANG Junxiao, LI Xulu*, XU Chunling, LIN Fan, SHI Huaming South China Sea Marine Survey and Technology Center, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou 510300, China Abstract:To be uderstood quality condition of ecological environment in the Shenzhen Bay, data obtained monthly from 2000 to 2014 were used for analyzing and studying temporal and spatial distributions of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in the Shenzhen Bay and coastal southeastern Pearl River Estuary. Also sources and bioavailability of the DOP were investigated by a two-component mixing mass balance model and a simple regression analysis method in combination with the salinity, 5-d biochemical oxygen demand and particulate organic matter measurements. The results showed that the DOP concentration was 0.073?.077t mg/L with an increase trend from 2000 to 2004 and a decrease one from 2005 to 2014 and higher in the dry season than the wet in the bay, and 0.022?.013 mg/L with a decrease trend in the whole period studied and slightly higher in the summer and winter than the spring and autumn in the estuary. The DOP appeared conservative and was from simultaneous sources in both of the bay and estuary. The DOP terrestrial fraction was estimated by the two-component mixing mass balance model at abou


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