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香蕉束顶病毒 NS 株 D NA 组分 5 的克隆和序列分析 郑  耘 , 阮小蕾 , 李华平 , 肖火根 , 范怀忠 (华南农业大学植物病毒研究室 , 广州 5 10642) Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Component 5 of Banana Bunchy Top Virus NS Strain ZH EN G Yun , RU AN Xiaolei , L I Huap ing , XIA O Huogen , FAN Huaizhong (L aboratory of P l ant Vi rol ogy ; S out hern Chi na A g ricul t u ral Uni vers ity , Guang z hou 510642 , Chi na ) Abstract : The DN A co mponent 5 (DN A5) of B anan a bunchy top v i r us N S st rain wa s cloned an d sequenced . It wa s 10 14nt s in f ull lengt h and co ul d co de for 146 amino acids. The nucleotide an d amino acid sequence s of t he DN A5 were co mp ared wit h t ho se of i solat e s f ro m A u st ralia , Hawaii , Egyp t , and identitie s of nucleotide and amino acid sequence amo ng t he se i solat e s were bet ween 88 %~89 % and 80 %~88 %re sp ectively . The secondary st r uct ure near t he “L XCD E ”motif wa s much diff erent bet ween N S st rain and ot her s. It wa s deduced t hat efficiency of binding Rb p rot ein woul d be influenced by t hi s kin d of diff erence . Key words :B anan a bunchy top v i r us ; DN A5 co mpo nent ; Sequence analy si s ( ) 摘要 :本文利用 PCR 技术扩增得到香蕉束顶病毒 BB TV N S 株 DN A 组分 5 的全基因 ,该基因全长为 10 14nt ,具有 α β 一个开放阅读框 ,编码 146 个氨基酸 ,蛋白质二级结构包括 6 个 螺旋 ,7 个 折叠 。N S 株系与南太平洋组澳大利 亚 、夏威夷 、埃及分离物 DN A 组分 5 核苷酸和编码的氨基酸序列相比较 ,核苷酸序列同源率介于 88 %~89 %之间 ,


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