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你的公司发布了一个公开招聘的职位。申请表开始滚滚而来,合格的人选已经被挑选出来。现在开始挑选。your company launches a search for an open position. The application starts rolling in and the qualified candidates are identified. Now the chossing begins.Person A: IVY League 4.0,flawless resume,great recommedations. All the right stuff.候选人A:常春藤名校 绩点4.0 完美的简历,出色的推荐信。所有好的要素都具备。候选人B:公立学校毕业,辗转于各种工作之间,甚至包括收银员和唱歌的服务生。Person B:state school, fair amount of job hopping and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress.不过请记得—两位都是符合要求的。所以我想问你们:你们会选择谁?But remember—both are qualified.So I ask you: who are you going to pick?我和我的同事发明了一些非常正式的术语来描述两个不同类别的候选人。My colleagues and I created very official terms to describe two distinct categories of candidates.我们把A称为含着“金钥匙”的人,一个明显具有优势而且注定会成功的人。我们把B称作拳击手。他必须努力冲破重重难关去达到相同的目标。你们刚刚听到了一个人力资源总监将应聘者比作金钥匙和拳击手。这听起来在政治上不太正确而且还有些武断。但是在我的人力资源证书被吊销前—让我解释一下。We call A “the silver spoon”, the one who clearly had advatages and was destined for success and we call B “the scrapper”, the one who had to fight against tremendous odds to get the same points. You just heard human resources director refer to people as silver spoons and scrappers, which is not exactly politically correct and sounds a bit judgemental. But before my human resources certification gets revoked--Let me explain.一份简历讲了一个故事。过去的那些年,我了解到那些经历好似拼布床单的人会让我在把他们的简历扔掉之前好好考虑。A resume tells a story. And over years, I’ve learned something about people whose experiences read like a patchwork quilt that makes me stop and fully consider before tossing their resume away.一系列杂乱的工作可能意味着易变,不专心,难以捉摸。或者,它可能标志着努力挣扎跨越障碍。至少,拳击手应该得到一次面试机会。我要强调一下,我并不排斥金钥匙,能够被精英大学录取并且能顺利毕业同样需要付出很多心血和牺牲。但是,如果你的一生都被设计为走向成功,你该怎么度过艰难时期?A series odd jobs may indicate inconsisitency, lack of focus, unpredictability. Or it may signal a committed struggle against obstacles. At the very least, the scrapper deserves an interview. To be clear, I don’t hold anything against the silver spoon getting into and graduating from an elite university takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. But your whole


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