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“For External Distribution. ? 2005 Halliburton. All Rights Reserved.” 目录 LOGIQ? Platform LOGIQ测井平台 RDT 模块式地层测试器 TCP Overview 油管传输射孔 面对的问题及解决方案 问题: Open Hole Advanced Formation Characterization 先进的地层特性描述 Cased Hole Optimized Production Management 优化生产管理 方案: LOGIQ? Logging Platform Fully Integrated Logging Platform LOGIQ综合测井平台 The Logic of LOGIQ New state-of-the-industry operating platform improves service delivery for open hole logging through faster logging speeds, enhanced performance reliability and maximum compatibility across all product lines. 以先进的操作平台,通过更快的测速、更可靠的性能、以及跨各产品线的全兼容能力,提供更优质的测井服务 LOGIQ System Highlights LOGIC 系统特点 PC–based surface system and premium downhole tools 基于PC的地面系统和先进的井下仪器 Latest digital capabilities in sensor, mechanical, and electrical architectures 探头、机械部分及电子线路采用最先进的数字技术 Shorter, lighter, without penalty of temperature or pressure ratings 仪器串更短、更轻,却不牺牲仪器的耐压耐温性能 Maximum compatibility and functionality 兼容性与功能方面得到最大提升 Powerful Functionality 强大的功能 New ethernet communication protocol 新一代以太网通信协议 4-fold increase in data capacity between downhole tools and surface 井下仪器与地面系统间的数据传输能力提高了4倍 Vastly expanded telemetry bandwidth 极大地扩大了遥传的带宽 Accommodates multiple high-rate sensors in a single logging pass 一次下井中能接多个高速传感器 Poised for future sensor development 具备挂接新传感器的潜力 Maximum Compatibility 最大的兼容能力 LOGIQ system fully accommodates previous-generation tools LOGIQ全兼容老一代仪器系列 Is compatible with all Halliburton open hole logging tools 横向兼容哈里伯顿所有裸眼井测井仪器和套管井测井仪 Allows tools to be used in any combination and order on toolstring 仪器串可以任何顺序任意组合。 Safer, Smaller, Tougher Tools 仪器更安全、更轻巧、更耐用 Half the length 长度较前减半 Two-thirds the weight 重量较前减1/3 Safer to handle 操作更安全 Faster rig up and down 组装拆卸更快 Eliminates ‘rat hole’ drilling 减少鼠洞(口袋)的长度 Downhole Tools Incorporate the Latest Digital Capabilities 井下仪器采用最新的数字技术 Premium Service Specifications 主要技术指标 Shorter tool dimensions and full range of operating capabilities: 仪器串更短,却具原有常规仪器的作业能力: 350oF



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