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以下翻译多不能字字对应,多多领会其意。请切忌直译,应根据各自民族文化的特点意译。 1.中国民俗 Chinese customs 中国是一个有着5000年历史的古老国家。在漫长的历史进程中,为适应大自然和周边环境,中国人的祖先有过许多发明创造。中国人的祖先在仔细观察和总结自然规律的基础上发明了农历。过节对中国人来说非常重要,人们需要劳逸结合,享受生活。对中国人来说,吃是人生一大乐事。千百年来,中国的饮食文化也因此不断地得以发展。 China is an ancient country with a recorded history of over 5,000 years, in the course of which the Chinese people have come up with a large number of inventions while adapting to the environment around them. Based on careful observation of the course of nature, the Chinese ancestors formulated the lunar calendar. Traditional Chinese festivals are particularly important to the Chinese people who relax from the daily toil and enjoy life to its fullest during these holidays. For Chinese people, dining is one of the most pleasurable activities. Therefore, a diverse food culture has been developed over hundreds of years. 中国幅员辽阔,南北东西的生活习惯有着很大不同。俗话说:“十里不同风,百里不同俗。”相差十几里,就会有不同的风气;百里之外,就会有不同的生活习俗。然而,有许多风俗习惯,还是得到了全民族的认同,世代沿袭至今,成为一种永久的文化。这些风俗习惯融入了中国社会,成为中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分。 China is a vast country. Different customs and ways of looking at the world have gradually developed. As the saying goes, habits differ within a radius of ten miles and customs within a hundred miles. If you travel thousands of miles, you will find a huge difference in ways of living. However, there are still a huge number of customs that have become established over the centuries and these customs have become permanent traditions, ingrained in society as an integral part of Chinese culture. 2. 春节 The Spring Festival 1)立春之日,士大夫家剪纸为小幅,或悬于佳人之首,或缀于花下。 (白话翻译:立春那天,官宦以及读书人家把小幅的纸张剪成小鸟或花形状,有戴在美人头上的,也有悬挂在花上作点缀的。) On the first day of spring, the families of officials and scholars cut small pieces of paper [into patterns of birds and flowers], some to be worn on the hair of the beauties, some to be attached to flowers and plants. 此祈吉习俗流行于全国。剪纸现已成为中国传统的手工艺品,有装饰、欣赏作用。 This practice, originally a method of praying for luck, later became popular in all parts of China. Now paper-cutting is a common, tr


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