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101 學年度指定科目考試試題 英文考科第壹部分:選擇題(72分) 一、詞彙(10分) 1題至第10題,每題有4個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 ( C ) 1. Since it hasn’t rained for months, there is a water _____ in many parts of the country. (A) resource (B) deposit (C) shortage (D) formula 【中譯】【解析】( C ) 2. The problem with Larry is that he doesn’t know his limitations; he just _____ he can do everything. (A) convinces (B) disguises (C) assumes (D) evaluates 【中譯】【解析】( D ) 3. Agnes seems to have a _____ personality. Almost everyone is immediately attracted to her when they first see her. (A) clumsy (B) durable (C) furious (D) magnetic 【中譯】【解析】( A ) 4. Jason always _____ in finishing a task no matter how difficult it may be. He hates to quit halfway in anything he does. (A) persists (B) motivates (C) fascinates (D) sacrifices 【中譯】【解析】( B ) 5. Poor _____ has caused millions of deaths in developing countries where there is only a limited amount of food. (A) reputation (B) nutrition (C) construction (D) stimulation 【中譯】【解析】( D ) 6. The helicopters _____ over the sea, looking for the divers who had been missing for more than 30 hours. (A) tackled (B) rustled (C) strolled (D) hovered 【中譯】【解析】( A ) 7. One of the tourist attractions in Japan is its hot spring _____, where guests can enjoy relaxing baths and beautiful views. (A) resorts (B) hermits (C) galleries (D) faculties 【中譯】【解析】機能官能( D ) 8. When a young child goes out and commits a crime, it is usually the parents who should be held _____ for the child’s conduct. (A) eligible (B) dispensable (C) credible (D) accountable 【中譯】【解析】( B ) 9. Since you have not decided on the topic of your composition, it’s still _____ to talk about how to write your conclusion. (A) preventive (B) premature (C) productive (D) progressive 【中譯】【解析】( A ) 10. Human rights are fundamental rights to which a person is _____ entitled, that is, rights that she or he is born with. (A) inherently (B) imperatively (C) authentically (D) alternatively 【中譯】【解析】二、綜合測驗(10


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