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中 国 的 造 林 绿 化 Afforestation in China ;1.中国政府历来高度重视造林绿化和森林保护工作。80年代开始,造林绿化进度逐年加快,上个世纪90年代,基本上每年的造林面积保持在400万公顷左右。到1998年,全国第五次森林资源清查结束时,森林覆盖率已由建国初的8.6%提高到 16.55%,人工造林保存面积超过4600多万公顷,是世界第一,占世界人工林总量的26%。 Chinese government attaches great importance on afforestation and forest protection . In 1980’s, afforestation was stepped up year by year. In 1990’s, 4 million ha forested annually. By the end of 1998, forest coverage reached 16.55%, from 8.6% at the beginning of People’s Republic of China founded.The reserved artificial forested area is over 460 million ha, the greatest in the world and accounting for 26% of global total. ;2.近两年,每年造林面积保持在670万公顷左右。 In recent two years,670 million ha forested annually. 3.中国林业发展指导思想经历重大变化,正在采取的重大行动必将对缓解全球气候变化产生重要影响。 The guideline on Chinese forest development is undergoing dramatic change,from timber-producing orientation toward ecological function orientation. 4.实施了六大林业重点工程. Implementing six giant forest projects. ;——天然林保护工程(Natural forest protection project)。 ; protecting natural forest in other areas,speeding up tree and grass-planting activities,enforcing forest protection. 成果:截止到2002年底,森林管护面积已达9500万公  顷,累计营造生态公益林790万公顷,已有近60万富余人员得到妥善分流安置。 Achievements:By the end of 2002,95 million ha of forest maintained,total 7.9million ha ecological forest established,and 600,000 forest workers laid off and re-employed. ;——退耕还林工程(The project on conversion of slope cultivated agriculture land to forest) 。 ;——京津风沙源治理工程(Desertification control project in the vicinity of Beijing and Tianjin)。 ;范围:涉及内蒙古、河北、山西及北京和天津的75个县。 Scope:including inner Mongolia Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing, Tianjin totally 75 counties involved. 成果:目前已累计完成造林396万公顷,生态移民 12847人 。 Achievements:3.96 million ha afforestated totally,ecological immigration involving 13 thousand of local people. ;——三北和长江中下游等地区重点防护林工程(Shelterbelt construction project in Three North and down reach of Yangtze as well as other key areas)。 ;范围:三北工程涉及该地区13个省(区、市)551个县 。 Scope:31 provinces, involving 551 coun


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