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Lexical Features of English News Writing ;Expressions of unspecified sources ;权威人士;官方人士;消息灵通人士;据业内人士;说, 称, 报道, 据悉….. It is said that … It is reported that … Reports say … Rumors say … Foreign radios announced … It is learned that … Foreign wire services were quoted / cited as saying …;acknowledge, concede 承认 add 接着说, 又说 advocate 提倡,鼓吹说 affirm 肯定说,确认 allege, claim, declare, state 宣称,声称 analyze 分析说 assert 断言 boast 吹嘘说,夸口说 caution 告诫说 confess 供认,承认 contradict 反驳,否定 ;deny 否认 disclose, reveal 透露 elaborate 详细述说 emphasize, stress 强调说 imply 暗示 indicate 表示 insist 坚持说,主张 maintain 主张,认为 object, refute 反对,提出异议,反驳 protest 抗议 reaffirm, reiterate 重申 ; urge 敦促,力劝 warn 警告说,告诫;Personification of Place and Building; The Kremlin declined comment as Norway was expelling eight Russian diplomats for activities incompatible with their status – the usual term for spying. Kim told journalists that Seoul would even support Washington if it “reduces or lifts its sanctions ” against Pyongyang. $ 227 billion tax on crude oil is cleared by Hill ;White House;Fleet Street ;Silicon Valley;Lexicon of Journalistic English ;back 支持 Paraguay: Army Backs New Leader ban 禁止,制止,限制 Britain Lifts Ban on Argentina Trade beef up 加强 bid 出价, 试图,建议,投标 China Bid to Host Olympics brace 做好…准备 Iraqis Bracing for War’s Aftermath Russia Braces for Added Chechen Violence ;boost 提高,促进,增加 Car Industry Boosts Output chief, head ……长,领导人 Enron’s Ex-finance Chief Surrenders clash 冲突,不和,争吵 Strikers in Clash with Police curb 抑制,控制,限制 New Curbs on Immigration cut 消减,缩减 More job Cuts at Telecom Firms SBC and Verizon ;deal 交易,成交,谈判,问题 Annan Meets Clinton, Discusses Iraq Deal disarmament 裁军,裁减武器 drive 运动,战役,竞赛 envoy 代表,使节,外交人员,特使 fete 节日,庆典 fire 解雇,攻击,抨击 UN’s “Two Standards”s Under Fire foil 挫败,阻止 Saudi Airliner Crew Foils Hijack ;hit 批评,严重影响 hold 拘留,逮捕 Soldiers Held on Suspicion of Spying lash out 批评 mark


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