unit3 Tender Docum的ent and Contracts 标书与合同.ppt

unit3 Tender Docum的ent and Contracts 标书与合同.ppt

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unit3 Tender Docum的ent and Contracts 标书与合同

Unit 3; ; Leading in and Brief Introduction ;Leading in and Brief Introduction; ;2.招标和投标的一般程序: 1) 刊发招标通告 2) 资格预审 3) 编制招标文件(Bidding Documents) 4) 投标的准备工作 5) 编制投标书和落实担保  6) 递送投标文 7) 开标  8) 评标和决标;Useful Expressions;Preparation of tender document(投标文件的准备) ↓ Preparation of prequalification document (资格预审书的准备) ↓ Prequalification of tenders(资格预审) ↓ Obtaining tenders (购买标书) ↓ Opening of tenders (开标) ↓ Evaluation of tenders(评标) ↓ Award of contract (授标) (performance security 履约保证金) ;;FIDIC施工合同中主要事项的典型顺序;Unit 3 对话 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 ; 过去确定的工程师、业主和承包商的关系。 ; 现在确定的工程师、业主和承包商的关系。;FIDIC施工合同条件(1999年第一版)的参与方;菲迪克发展历史;Unit 3 对话 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 ;对话 Tender? Bid ?;合同条件概述 (1999);目前我国普遍采用的 “项目法人责任制” “招标投标制” “建设监理制” “合同管理制” 实际上均来源于FIDIC的这种传统模式。?? ;Unit 3 对话 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Word Exercise;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 (对话);Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;Unit 3 Tender documents and contracts标书和合同 对话;1.supervisor: one who supervises or has charge and direction of 监督人,管理人 e.g. 1) The university students handed in their essays to their supervisor. 大学生们把文章交给导师审阅。 2) Their supervisor is a young woman. 他们的主管是个年轻的女士。 2.generate: to give birth, beget 产生,发生 e.g. His actions generated a good deal of suspicion. 他的行动招来不少的猜疑。 3.issue: an important question that is in dispute and mus


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