
sexuality of repartnered men and women in france sexual behaviors, perceptions, expectations and sexual dysfunctions性在法国repartnered男性和女性性行为,观念,期望和性功能障碍.pdf

sexuality of repartnered men and women in france sexual behaviors, perceptions, expectations and sexual dysfunctions性在法国repartnered男性和女性性行为,观念,期望和性功能障碍.pdf

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sexuality of repartnered men and women in france sexual behaviors, perceptions, expectations and sexual dysfunctions性在法国repartnered男性和女性性行为,观念,期望和性功能障碍

Advances in Sexual Medicine , 2012, 2, 10-19 /10.4236/asm.2012.21003 Published Online January 2012 ( Sexuality of Repartnered Men and Women in France: Sexual Behaviors, Perceptions, Expectations and Sexual Dysfunctions 1* 2 3 Marie-Helene Colson , Antoine Lemaire , Patrick Klein 1CRIR-AVS, Sce Pr Lançon, Hôpital Ste Marguerite, Marseille, France 2ADIRS, Lille, France 3IPSOS Health Institute, Paris, France * * Email:, Received October 30, 2011; revised November 31, 2011; accepted December 12, 2011 ABSTRACT Introduction: Although many epidemiological studies on sexuality have been published, none have specifically addressed male and female sexuality in repartnered couples. Aim: To investigate men and women’s sexual behaviors, perceptions and expectations, and the frequency of their sexual dysfunctions, with a focus on repartnered couples, i.e, subjects living with a partner in a stable relationship after divorce or widowhood (including both remarried couples and cohabitating unmarried couples). Methods: Analysis of telephone survey data collected from 1002 French subjects (483 men, 519 women) ≥35years. Of these, 748 were living with their partner as part of a heterosexual couple. For these subjects, the sexuality of 149 repartnered subjects was compared to that of the other 599 subjects. Main Outcome: Measu



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