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江苏科技大学 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 学 院 船舶与海洋工程 专 业 船舶与海洋工程 学生姓名 丁帅荣 班级学号 1040101409 指导教师 马晓平 二零一四年六月 江苏科技大学本科毕业论文 2400TEU集装箱船货舱双层底221/231分段 船体生产设计 The Hull Production Design of Bottom Block 221/231 of the 2400TEU Container Vessel 摘 要 08年金融危机后,国际造船市场曾一度低迷,我国造船业也曾遭受冲击,经受不了考验的船厂纷纷倒闭。近几年来,国际造船市场有明显回暖趋势,我国造船业订单量也有所上涨。金融危机带给我们的冲击值得我们深思,只有提高船厂自身技术含量、提高生产效率、改变订单结构组成、提高经济效益,才能有效避免再次遭遇造船行情低迷的冲击。 本文主要先介绍当前造船行业的背景以及发展历史、国内外研究现状和遇到的问题。接着简要介绍集装箱船的发展历史和集装箱船的分类以及特点。再介绍船舶生产设计理念的诞生、发展以及我国对于造船生产设计的引进和推广提高。 本文以课题“2400TEU集装箱船货舱双层底221/231分段船体生产设计”为例。对2400TEU集装箱船作简要分析,介绍其建造方式、分段划分。然后以货舱双层底221/231分段为重点绘制分段结构图册,拼板图册、吊马图并编写零件明细表。 关键词:造船生产设计;集装箱船;吊马;涂装 Abstract After the financial crisis in 2008, the international shipbuilding market once had a downturn .Chinas shipbuilding industry also suffered a shock, shipbuilding industries which can not stand the test of the shipyard went bankrupt. In recent years, the international shipbuilding market significantly warmer trend, Chinas shipbuilding orders also rose. The financial crisis brought us the impact is worth us thinking deeply. Only by improving the shipyard itself technical content, improve production efficiency, change order structure, improving economic efficiency, can effectively avoid encounters the shipbuilding market downturn. This paper first introduces the current shipbuilding industry background and the development history, domestic and foreign research present situation and the problems of. Then the classification history and container ships are briefly introduced and the characteristics of container ship. Then introduce the birth of the concept of ship production design, development and our country to introduce and popularize the production design in shipbuilding improve. Based on the topic 2400TEU cargo container ship double bottom section of 221/231 hull production design as an e


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