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Swyer - James :
综合征的诊治分析 附病例报告
梁静 波,方秋红 ,马迎 民
【 要】 Swyer - James 综合征是一种 少见病 ,临床上 易误诊 。我科近半年内共收治 3 例该病 患者 ,均 以反 复咳
嗽 、咳痰为主要表现 ,影像 学表现为单侧透明肺伴或不伴肺体积减 少、支气管气体 潴留征和肺动脉稀疏 ,主要依 据放
射影像 学检查进行确诊 ,均经 内科保 守治疗后好 转 出院。临床上,Swyer - James 综合征 需与 多种 疾病相鉴 别 。本 文 旨
在通过病例报道并对 以往相关文献进行复 习,加深对 Swyer - James 综合征 的诊治认识 ,最大限度减 少误诊 。
【 】 Swyer - James ; , ; , ; ;
关键词 综合征 肺 透明 细支气管炎 闭塞性 诊断 治疗
【 】R 562. 21 【 】B doi :10. 3969 /j. issn. 1007 - 9572. 2013. 02. 023
中图分类号 文献标识码
梁静 波,方秋红 ,马迎 民. Swyer - James 综合征 的诊治 分析: 附病例报告 [J ]. 中国全科 医学,2014 ,17 ( 2) :
200 - 205. [www. chinagp. net ]
Diagnosis and Treatment of Swyer - James Syndrome :Case Report LIANG Jing - bo ,FANG Qiu - hong ,MA Ying -
min. Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine ,Beijing Shijitan Hospital ,Affiliated to Capital Medical University ,
Beijing 100038,China
【Abstract 】 Swyer - James syndrome (SJS),rare in clinic ,is difficult to diagnose but easy to misdiagnose. In this re-
port ,3 SJS patients admitted to this hospital in recent half year presented mainly with recurrent cough ,sputum. The image man-
ifested unilateral hyperlucent lung complicated by or not by loss of lung volume ,bronchial gas retention syndrome and sparse pul-
monary artery ,mainly on which the final diagnoses made. Three patients were improved and discharged after conservative treat-
ment. Clinically ,SJS needs to be distinguished with various diseases. This paper reviews relevant literatures by reporting cases ,
to deepen the understanding of SJS to minimize misdiagnoses.
【Key words 】 Swyer -