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第 17 卷 第 5 期 人 文 地 理 Vol 17 ,No5
2002 年 10 月 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Oct 2002
文章编号 : 1003 —2398 (2002) 05 —0073 —05
21 世纪的社区地理学
(烟台师范学院旅游文化研究所 , 烟台 264025)
SUN Fenghua
( Research Institute of Tourism and Culture , Yantai Teachers U niversity , Yantai 264025 , China)
Abstract : The study of sociology and geography on community is of long standing , nevertheless , com
munit y geography which was a branch of human geography formed at a late tim. It was put forward
by the scholar of our country at the beginning of 80s and at the end of 90s in the 20th century. Under
go development for ten years , community geography not only forms itself more integrated subject
frame and theoretical system , but it is accepted by more human geographical scholars. Many academic
journals have published many articles on community geography at home and abroad. It makes clear
that community geography plaies an important part in study community.
The 21st century will be a century that depends mainly on knowledge economy. Various fields of
world will be influenced by the development of knowledge economy , it will bring about that the whole
world will take on an earthshaking change. In the century of great change , community geography is
adapted to the development of the 21st century , community geographical resea
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