
bat 批处理延迟运行脚本(Bat batch running script).doc

bat 批处理延迟运行脚本(Bat batch running script).doc

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bat 批处理延迟运行脚本(Bat batch running script)

bat 批处理延迟运行脚本(Bat batch running script) Bat batch running script @echo off : AAA Pause here is the program you need to run For, /l,%%i, in (0,110000), do, echo,%%inul Goto AAA Of course, there are other ways to delay bat running, but I think its easy, and you can use two for instead of goto For /l,%%i, in (0,110000), do, echo,%%inul, nul here ignores output If the program does not automatically return to the CMD interface that may need to end her natural process what bat calls using other programs can do such as NTSD or VBS debug, but it does not show the characteristics of bat. Ping delay is still very accurate, ha ha. @echo off : AAA Echo%TIME% Ping -n 1 -w 500nul Goto AAA I:\delay 18:51:41.50 18:51:42.42 18:51:43.42 18:51:44.42 18:51:45.42 18:51:46.42 18:51:47.42 18:51:48.42 18:51:49.42 18:51:50.42 18:51:51.42 18:51:52.42 18:51:53.42 18:51:54.42 18:51:55.42 18:51:56.42 Does ^C terminate batch operations? (Y/N) y? The ping.exe code in Windows called Sleep (1000) is naturally very accurate. Pings IP is best to use , because with other addresses, the first DNS parsing takes some time and is not accurate. Collect things and collect them. Let me help you with the buildings: @echo off @echo%time% @set /a netu0=%1+1 @ping, , -n,%netu0%, -w, 500nul, 2nul @echo%time% @echo on = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = To improve work efficiency, or to achieve some purpose, we often need to add some programs to the startup group of windows, that is, these programs run automatically as the system starts. Sometimes, we hope that since the launch of the program in order to run the server for, there may be one to rely on another program to run, and also need in the two when the program starts with a certain time delay. I found that you can skillfully use the batch command under DOS to easily control the operation of the self starting program, the smooth operation, and the delayed operation of the program. For example, if three since the start of the program, required t



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