
tb880e型掘进机支撑的控制(Control of support for TB880E roadheader).doc

tb880e型掘进机支撑的控制(Control of support for TB880E roadheader).doc

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tb880e型掘进机支撑的控制(Control of support for TB880E roadheader)

tb880e型掘进机支撑的控制(Control of support for TB880E roadheader) Control of support for TB880E roadheader Abstract: 2011-06-07 15:17? TB880E tunneling machine is a double X support of the open type TBM, the soft rock section, to support the use of lower support cylinder set pressure, thrust cylinder floating special control mode, both to ensure safety of machinery, and can be safely through the adverse geological section so, driving smoothly Abstract: TB880E type roadheader is a double X support of the open type TBM, the soft rock section, to support the use of lower support cylinder set pressure, thrust cylinder floating special control mode, not only guarantee the safety of machinery, and can be safely through bad geological areas, driving smoothly for. It provides technical guidance for the use of open type roadheader in construction of weak surrounding rock. Key words: open type roadheader; support; control Tunnel boring machine (TBM) is a contemporary advanced large-scale tunnel construction machinery, excavation, tunnel construction support, slag and ventilation dust and other processes in one, the processes of continuous and parallel implementation of the tunnel construction, the production of the factory. Compared with drilling and blasting construction method, the utility model has the advantages of fast construction speed, good construction quality, less labor force, good operation environment, etc.. It is more and more widely used in the construction of long tunnels. TB880E type roadheader is an open type hard rock tunnel boring machine produced by the German WIRTH company imported from Xian in 1997 for the construction of Qinling Mountains super long railway tunnel of Ankang railway. This kind of boring machine encounter the inevitable weak geological areas in tunneling, facing wall supporting and machine through two types of problems hinder tunneling, the operation and guidance of operation of the machine shop No. 2 tunnel construction in Qinling Mountains tun


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