
ue快捷键(UE shortcut key).doc

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ue快捷键(UE shortcut key)

ue快捷键(UE shortcut key) CTRL + W automatic line feed F7 inserts the current date / time ([{, or},]) CTRL + B finds the matching parentheses The CTRL + T paragraph is reformat CTRL + F8 tag list The CTRL + F5 conversion selects the text as lowercase Alt + F5 conversion. The selected text is uppercase CTRL + K activates spell check ALT + C toggle column / block mode CTRL + F2 sets bookmarks F2 goes to the next bookmark Alt+0-9 or Shift+Alt+0-9 inserts a user defined template CTRL + Up rolls one line with the cursor unchanged CTRL + Down rolls down a line with the cursor unchanged F8 display function list Alt + Right to next section Alt + Left to the previous paragraph CTRL+R substitution Ctrl+J select the word Ctrl+E deletes entire rows To delete the Ctrl+F11 Delete the Ctrl+F12 to the end of the line Ctrl+N new file Ctrl+O open file Ctrl+Q opens the file quickly Ctrl+S saves files F12 save as Ctrl+P print Ctrl+0-9 clipboard Ctrl+Y redo Ctrl+W word wrap F7 insert date Alt+F3 or Ctrl+F lookup Ctrl+F3 find the previous one F3 find the next one Ctrl+B Match Brace Find, matching, brace ([, {, or},]) Ctrl+R substitution Ctrl+G go to Ctrl+U hides the file tree Ctrl+T format paragraphs F5 initial capital Shift+F5 conversion case Ctrl+K spell check ALT+C column mode Ctrl+Backspace deletes the previous word Ctrl+Delete deletes the following word Ctrl+I inserts words verbatim INS insert / overwrite mode Ctrl+H 16 decimal mode Ctrl+D 16 hex insert / delete Ctrl+F2 create bookmarks F2 moves to the next bookmark Ctrl+F6 after a window Ctrl+Shift+F6 the previous window Alt+0-9 or Shift+Alt+0 - 9 inserts user templates F9 DOS command Ctrl+F9 recently a DOS command F10 runs the windows application Ctrl+Shift+A insert? Ctrl+Up scroll to the specified line of the mouse Ctrl+Down scroll to the specified line of the mouse F4 switching point List of F8 functions Alt+Right the next paragraph Alt+Left, last paragraph Alt+Page Up moves the cursor to the first line of the currently displayed c



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