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杜鹃花的养殖方法(Method for culturing Rhododendron)
杜鹃花的养殖方法(Method for culturing Rhododendron)
Method for culturing Rhododendron
The choice of soil is very important to the growth and development of rhododendron. With the method of cultivating soil cultivation of Rhododendron cultivars varies a lot, because of, but must have the following conditions: loose, smooth drainage, good ventilation, acidic soil, humus rich and adequate fertilizer. Usually, azaleas grow vigorously in acid loam soils, and die in yellow soil if they are in the alkaline soil. Rhododendron perianth regarded as an indicator of acid soil. The general is rotten leaf soil and acidic soil, with pine humus is the best planting azaleas cultivating ideal soil. Can go to the mountain pine, Berlin dug down, but also to the courtyard planting pine trees, more underground soil. And increase the amount of sulphur, alum before use, improve the use of acid after. The soil with high humus content is most suitable for the growth of rhododendron. More humus, can timely supplement the nutrients in the soil, improve soil structure, soil moisture, fertilizer, ventilation, heat absorption, heat preservation. It can also reduce the harm of poisonous substances in soil, and promote the root system of Rhododendron to expand everywhere.
Jiangsu Yixing Copper Crown mountain and Zhejiang, Fenghua new products, black mud is most suitable for the growth and development of azaleas, more widely used. Cultured soil can also be made home. Take weathered mountain surface soil 2, leaves 1 copies, herbivorous animals dried dung 1 copies, mix 1 years, sieve impurities, can use. Also available hillside soil of 3 copies, 3 copies of horse manure, leaves weeds 3 copies, l copies of human excrement compost by stratified, 1-2 years after the use of screen. The prepared soil should be stored in the room to prevent the soil from being damaged by sun and rain.
What should be paid attention to when the basin is turned on the azalea?
Rhododendron cutting survival should be on the pot. Flowerp
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